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Good Stuff

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I was running yesterday.  While running, I was listening  to a book that has boggled my mind, titled  “From Strength to Strength” by Arthur Brooks.  I’ve read it once, listened to it twice, and now reading it again.  I know, you’re probably thinking another book.  My mom responded to last week’s Sunday Thoughts  with “do you ever read fiction?” I do not.  I like books though, what can I say.  This isn’t a book report, I promise.  With that said, there are books that are little pep talks, cute stories, motivational minutes, and then there are big time books.  This book is a business bible for me.  If you’re under 40, skip it.  If you’re over 40, trust me.  I’m 48 today and it talks to me like nothing I’ve read in a long time.

Going back to running.  I’m listening to the book on a component of loneliness, and it being a bigger cause of sickness than people have ever realized.   Thankfully for me, if there is one thing I do not suffer from, its loneliness.  I’m jam packed with some of the greatest relationships on earth, probably the highest level of gratitude I have in my life stems from this single fact.  Back to my run,  as I’m listening to the book, out of the corner of my eye, to my left, appears a very large man riding a bike.  He’s huffing and puffing, not going a whole lot faster than I am running.  As he’s going by me, there is a second man, much smaller, on another bike next to him, he has his hand on the big guy’s back, clearly helping him continue.  So here I am, running, listening to this piece about loneliness and the need for human connection, while witnessing the ultimate example of human connection, someone helping someone else.  I can’t make this stuff up.  It was freaking amazing.  I wanted to scream, I chose not to, but I should have.  As I’m watching these guys ride off, I’m thinking to myself “how did that just happen”.

Sitting here on Sunday Morning, yes, I’m happy to say it’s my birthday.  I’m filled with massive gratitude for the relationships that I have.  I’m filled with massive gratitude for the observation of human connection.  I’m filled with massive gratitude for recognizing how important deeply rooted relationships are in our lives.  I believe they’re truly the foundation for happiness and joy.  What else is there?

I hope you’re having an amazing Sunday!

Published inRelationships
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