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The Quality of Friendships you Keep Determines Alot

Happy Sunday Everyone:

I recently heard a guy say “the quality of friendships you keep determines your quality of life”. Big statement and one that I’m sure many people don’t want to agree with, because of the quality of the friendships they in fact keep. I agree with the statement though and like so many things I hear, I automatically go in to comparison mode, for better or worse, and take stock. I’ve been blessed with a lot of quality friendships, so this topic is one that comes naturally to me. With that said, I think sometimes we take for granted the things that come naturally to us, which is a another way of saying I might take for granted the quality of relationships I have with my friends. Hard to explain unless you’re in my head but I don’t take for granted the effort that goes into the relationship, or I don’t think the relationship would exist in the first place, but I don’t appreciate the relationship like I should. make sense? i.e. if I had a gratitude journal everyday it’s not something I’m putting down on paper automatically.

So now that I’m actually thinking about the concept of what this guy said, he also noted a quality friendship “feels like family, shares suffering, shares burdens, and shares triumphs”…..Does that sound like the friendships you have today? Take stock yourself. I hope it does for all of us, and if it does, we need to be grateful for it. As we roll into this Thanksgiving Holiday we need to celebrate the quality friendships we have today, and pursue the ones we don’t.

Happy Sunday-Happy Thanksgiving.

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