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Sunday Thoughts Posts

Mindset Class

…you have to have a big picture appreciation of where your head is by asking those 8 questions.  I do believe all the tactics in the world don’t matter if you don’t have an appreciation/thought for the “why” you’re doing them.


It’s never been easier to call a compadre and start the conversation with “are you slow”…and then 15-30 minutes later getting off that call w/ less energy than you started.  As a salesperson, this is a really bad recipe for success.

Smiling at the Sad

Fresh emotions are great.  I recognize none of Jack’s faults, only his strengths and what an absolute beautiful human he is.  Jack’s my boy, so he’s always going to get my love, but if I could remind myself of this fact, for anyone I care about, it would serve me well i.e., focus on strengths, it’s all I want to remember for the people I care about when I’m gone, or they’re gone.

Perspective – Ben

These are Ben’s words on his website: “The time has come again to make sure life on BORROWED TIME has not become too comfortable.  Since December 20, 2006, the initial concept that kept me here on earth and grounded me was “service above self”.  This combined with the fact that you’re not supposed to be here and everything you are feeling, thoughts and emotions is part of the Bonus Round, what you get is the elimination of fear and a limitless drive to help others”.

Good Stuff

So here I am, running, listening to this piece about loneliness and the need for human connection, while witnessing the ultimate example of human connection, someone helping someone else.  I can’t make this stuff up.  It was freaking amazing.

Mr. X

Good people are out there, and they want to help.  I believe the good people question what stamp they’re going to leave on this planet, and I believe as they grow older, that stamp shifts from accomplishment to the desire to pay it forward.

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